my target audience preference of colours for my magazine is:
This table shows most voted colours from each age category and gender :
Female 25-35: 1st purple 2nd pink 3rd yellow
Male 15-25: 1st red 2nd black 3rd white
Male 25-35: 1st blue 2nd white 3rd black
From this research I was able to determine that my target audience's most preferred colours are black and white as they appear mostly on the table above. I agree with this as black is an iconic rock colour and white would contrast well.
Black represents rock and white corresponds well to black. This means the third colour would have to represent pop.
To find which is the colour is most common in pop music magazine I decided to simply type on Google "pop music magazine" and hope to see a common colour through all pictures.
To clarify which are the most used colours in pop music magazines I used a colour hunt website to see a palette of the image above.
This clarifies it could be pink or purple:
In my opinion the colour hunt pallete identifies mostly with pink than purple.
Black, white and pink is the colour scheme defined by my target audience opinion and pop genre magazine most used colours.
However in my opinion the pink could object
a great deal of male customers. This concern is supported with the fact that in the graph shows that none of the male aged 25-35 suggested pink. Leading me to change my colour scheme.
I made the decision to change pink with red would contrast well with black and white and I believe it can still represent pop very well; King of pop (Michael Jackson) was very iconic for his black and white suit which was usually represented with red:
And also the album of Taylor Swift which is could 'RED'
Taylor Swift is known for wearing her signature red lipstick.
And many other pop singers use red lipstick such as Rihanna and Ariana Grande who also were iconic for their red hair.
I can still change the colours tone, but from knowing the colour scheme of my magazine will help me decide the background colour, font colour, model clothes colour and many other decisions to be done.
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