Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Masthead design

The masthead design is very important as it helps define the magazine style.
I researched music instruments popular bands and music magazines masthead fonts,
On examining them, I was unable to see any link and therefore felt free to choose anything.
However when searching POP  fonts and ROCK fonts there was a big contrast:

Pop font seemed more girlie because of the hearts. It was also rounder and has curly edges.
Rock font looks similar to gothic font, has sharper edges and it is bolder. 
For my masthead I will try to mix both of the styles to represents both genres.
Here are a few examples:

This font has a jeans pattern
which relates to fashion which is seen as
 a girl thing. It has round and straight
lines balancing both genres.

This font is gothic style but with round
and curly edges as for pop.

This is a  simple font very round but
with sharp edges.

This is a bold font and curly as well as italic.

To decide which font would be most liked by my target audience I asked for their opinion of which they preferred. To show their opinion I recorded a focus
group with people of the age of my target costumers.

Now I have to decide between option 1 and 2 as enthusiasm for these were equally split. I find 1 more suitable for my music magazine because font number 2 is very gothic putting my whole magazine into a darker mood.

1 comment:

  1. Fab Julia, your exploration of ideas is clear and effective. Keep posting! Have you tried to upload your time-lapse video of your cover designs yet?
