Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Band information for double spread page

I decide to do my Double Spread page on the band Princeton instead of on my cover, as seen on my first draft post
To do the double spread page I will first look at original music magazines, to have an idea of how double spread pages are displayed and written.
I will also ask my target consumers what they would like to know about the band.
After this I will make a list of questions and send to one of the band members, and hope to be given answers.

The recorded questions are from my young target consumers and the following questions are from a older age group of my target consumers:

-How the members meet each other?
-What was they're inspiration to start the band?
-How many hits have been in the top rank?
-What are they're  top hit?
-What are the members of the band unknown talents?
-How did they come up with the name Princeton?
-When you first start did you do many gigs to become more known?
-Did you get signed to a label?
-How long is the band together for?
-Who is the leader?
-Where do they see themselves in five years time?
-How do they connect to their fans?
-Who's idea was to start the band?
-When did the band become serious/ real?
-Who writes your songs?


-How did the members meet each other?
Two of the members are brothers (Alex and Erik), the rest of the band met via internet advertisements.

-What was the inspiration to start the band?
We all started playing an instrument at a young age. For almost every musician playing in a band is

the most fun and as the five of us share the same taste in music, we decided to start this band.

-How many hits have been in the top rank?
‘Not Invited’ and ‘Heroes’ made it to several rankings. Our album ‘Autumn Skies’ was #58 in the national album top 100.

-Which one is the top hit?
Our second single ‘Heroes’.

-What are the members of the band unknown talents?
We could start a football team. And there’s a really good cook in the band.

-How did you come up with the name Princeton?
We are from Delft. Delft’s nickname is Prinsenstad (Prince town), because of its association with the royal house of Orange-Nassau since the late 16th century. So, Prince town became Princeton.   

-When you first start did you do many gigs to become more known?
Yes, it’s very important for a band to play shows. Not only to become more known, but also to develop and grow as a band.

-Did you get signed to a label?
Yes, we got signed to Marista Records, a Dutch Record Company.

-How long is the band together for?
We started Princeton in 2011.

-Who is the leader?
As Presley is the frontman, he is the natural leader of the band. But we all contribute in our own way.

-Where do you see yourselves in five years’ time?
Hopefully playing some nice festivals in Europe. Touring Brazil is another goal. Besides that, keep making new music and record another album is what we’re really going for.

-How do you connect to your fans?
These days it’s quite easy to keep in touch with everyone via social media. But the best contact and interaction will always be during shows, experience it all together.

-Whose idea was to start the band?
All members have always wanted to play in a band. We were lucky to find each other, having this click and sharing the same interests.

-When did the band become serious/ real?
Recording and releasing an album is a pretty serious thing, so that’s been an important moment for the band. We’ve always had the intention to make the best of it.

-When did you first start making music?
Alex and Erik started making music when they lived in Brazil, in the 90’s. Starting with an acoustic guitar, a keyboard and some drum parts borrowed from the school fanfare, ha ha. Inspired by a young American band of brothers, called Hanson.
Presley started singing at a very young age. He acted in musicals like ‘Oliver’. He also performed on national television with a group of young singers.
Rob and Jorg have been making music since the age of 12. They’ve played in a couple of bands before joining Princeton.

-Did you have any other band names beforehand?
Playing another music style and not with the exact same members, we formed Grosh, before Princeton.

-Who writes your songs?
Most of the songs are written by Presley and Erik. But also Alex writes a lot. We finish the songs in the rehearsal room, all together, so everyone can write his own arrangements. 

-Is there a theme of the making of the songs?
Every song has its own theme. A frequently used theme is ‘relationships’. Not only romantic ones, but also relationships between family members, or a person and a place, for example. It’s something everyone can relate to, making it interesting to write about.

With these answers I can create the double spread page text, I will find which are the questions which most would be interesting for my target users, I will also create an introduction paragraph

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